Vidscrip + WellPrept

Record Vidscrips and share them with patients through you WellPrept page.

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    Record A Vidscrip Journey

    Login to the Vidscrip Studio App and record a Vidscrip Journey. 

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    Copy the Vidscrip Link

    From your Vidscrip Channel ( tap SHARE on the Vidscrip you want to add to your WellPrept page. Copy the link.

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    Add the Vidscrip to your WellPrept page.

    1. Pick the appropriate WellPrept condition page by clicking the tile in your dashboard
    2. Add the journey under "My Recommended Resources," not "My Videos".
    3. Click the EDIT icon.
    4. Scroll down and click "Add Resource".
    5. Name the new resource.
    6. Choose "Vidscrip" as the new RESOURCE TYPE.
    7. Paste the URL of the VIdscrip Journey.
    8. Click Save
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